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Travel & Tour In Batam
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88 Happy Jaya
Travel & Tour In Batam
Cheapest Price & Self Drive

88 Happy Jaya is the best and most trusted travel & tour service in Batam. 88 Happy Jaya has an excellent fleet that you can rent according to your needs, our fleets include Avanza, Innova Reborn, Innova Zenix, Elf Short, Hiace Commuter, and others. We have served many clients from various countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries.

Every fleet that we provide is ensured to be well maintained from interior to exterior and is accompanied by a complete vehicle certificate to ensure comfort and safety during your trip. We offer affordable prices for every car rental at 88 Happy Jaya so it doesn’t make your wallet thin, and have professional drivers in their fields for years to make your trip more comfortable and safe.